Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hong Kong

Sunday, July 19, 2009 11:32AM EST


So, I did get a chance to get out today. It just so happened that the storm moved completely out at about 6:30 and I caught up with some other group members in the hotel lobby and we decided to go to the night market, which was awesome. So, we took the subway, which was super easy and arrived at this huge street market that sold EVERYTHING! We had soooooooooooooo much fun, and my mind was taken from wanting to go home so much. So, thanks again for all of the support and enjoy the pics. This really will be the last email because my internet access will run out shortly and I refuse to pay 15 more US dollars for another day. :) Talk to you soon in AMERICA!


Sunday, July 19, 2009 02:34AM EST

Well folks,

This is the last email that I will be sending out to you. We have to pay $15 USD daily for internet access here at this hotel, so I will only be doing that for one day. Today makes an official month that I have been away from home. The typhoon was of no effect. It was mostly heavy rain and a little windy, but that is about it. Today is a free day and yet I am in my hotel room writing to you. That and it's rainy and windy outside. I still can't believe that I will be home in approximately three days. I am very ready to come home to see my family and friends and share even more of the things that happened over here that I was not able to share through the emails:)! It has been such a priviledge and an honor to experience this with you. I'm sorry that I have no pictures of Hong Kong, but there is really nothing to show right now. The weather however has not stopped some of my trip mates from venturing out, but I will not be joining them them for a day of fun in the rain. Well, we have two more days of meetings and a few excursions. So, I will try and enjoy these two days and not think about home so much! Anyway, I will be talking to you all soon and please pray and send your good thoughts for all of us to return to the US safely with all of our luggage. Thank you for the emails and a special thank you goes out to John Downs for creating and maintaining my blog! Well, I will see you all and talk to you soon!



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