Monday, July 13, 2009

Train Ride to Changzhou...

Hello all,

I haven't written in two days so I'll tell you about the last day in Xian. It was lovely. It was a complete excursion day. We went to museums and historic and cultural sites. We also went shopping. Surprising?! It was a good day. And then, THE TRAIN!!! Well, let me tell you that the train station was jammed packed with people. And, the bathrooms were horrible. And, it was hot. And the train! My, my, my. Well, I can say that we made it, ALIVE. Well, OK, let me not put it like that. The train wasn’t too bad. It was tight though. We were packed in there like sardines. There was air though, but people were also smoking. ALL NIGHT LONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, it seemed as though they were in the same cabin with you. And, how about using a squat toilet on a moving train. And, let me tell you, this moving train moved. It was not an altogether smooth ride. It was bumpy, but not for most of the trip. And, we were on this train for fourteen hours, with each other, in tight quarters, and after a certain period of time the water was turned off. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhgggggggggggggg! And, our guide almost had a fit because we only had between 3-7 minutes to get off the train and so we were made to move all of our luggage to the door thirty minutes before we pulled in to the station. We were rolling over people and taking up all of the space. We even got some dirty looks. We had to line up outside of the bathroom, which of course, because there was no water, was not so fresh! But, I’m over it now. We are now in our excellent hotel with all of our belongings, which I can say makes up for the train. We have all showered and put on a fresh set of clothes and now have on our happy faces once again, although this city is the hottest and most humid city out of all of the places that we’ve been to in China. I’m still smiling. We now have 9 more days left, and even though I have enjoyed China tremendously and still feel so blessed to have had this opportunity, I’m ready to come home. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are still some things that I’m excited to see. I’m excited to see Hong Kong, and this new city. And, if I were afforded some of the luxuries that we have at home here, then I would even be willing to stay longer and do more things and see more places. But, since those options are not available to me, I can now say that I have enjoyed this cultural experience and that I’m content and looking forward to coming home to be in my room, with my bed, and my things, with my bathroom with my western toilet, with my family, and my television, eating my food that does not make me nauseous at times, and in my air conditioned home. I’m telling you, you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s taken away from you. We have sooooo many options in the states and most of the time people will accommodate you. But here, there are no accommodations. It’s either do this or you won’t get to do this. Plain and simple. Use the squat toilet, or make yourself sick from holding it. Eat this, or go hungry. We are so spoiled in America!!!!! People here are desperate to get there, students, teachers, families. We are soooooo privileged!!! Well, I will end this one for now before I start writing a book. Until tomorrow!

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